
Her Mission is Simple: To Support You in Reaching a State of Ease Within Your Own Skin Meet Natalia Morrison, Owner of Holistic Primary Healthcare

Q: For those in our audience not familiar with Holistic Primary Healthcare can you share with us the programs and services you have available?NM: Yes! The beauty of Holistic Healthcare is an integrative approach to help people through their own unique healing journey. Whether they are dealing with auto-immune symptoms, chronic pain, anxiety, or even learning to eat in an optimal way for your unique body-type. Your body’s needs and quirks are unique to you,..


She Has a Burning Passion For Fitness & Drive to Help Change Countless Lives Through Health & Fitness. Meet The Owner of Get SomerFit 365, Personal Trainer, Laura Somers

Q: How was it growing up in Ireland?  LS: When I think about my childhood in Ireland, I immediately think of family, friends, and laughter. I'm no doubt looking back with rose-tinted glasses, but Ireland has a strong sense of community; people love to chat, and there is always someone to help out. Even now, when I come back to visit, within 10 minutes of leaving the airport, the taxi driver has updated me on all the news and scandals going on in the countr..