She Has a Burning Passion For Fitness & Drive to Help Change Countless Lives Through Health & Fitness. Meet The Owner of Get SomerFit 365, Personal Trainer, Laura Somers
Q: How was it growing up in Ireland? LS: When I think about my childhood in Ireland, I immediately think of family, friends, and laughter. I'm no doubt looking back with rose-tinted glasses, but Ireland has a strong sense of community; people love to chat, and there is always someone to help out. Even now, when I come back to visit, within 10 minutes of leaving the airport, the taxi driver has updated me on all the news and scandals going on in the countr..
Her Mission is Simple: To Support You in Reaching a State of Ease Within Your Own Skin Meet Natalia Morrison, Owner of Holistic Primary Healthcare
Q: For those in our audience not familiar with Holistic Primary Healthcare can you share with us the programs and services you have available?NM: Yes! The beauty of Holistic Healthcare is an integrative approach to help people through their own unique healing journey. Whether they are dealing with auto-immune symptoms, chronic pain, anxiety, or even learning to eat in an optimal way for your unique body-type. Your body’s needs and quirks are unique to you,..